The FP4H program is a Christ-Centered, healthy living program focusing on the four essentials of health and well-being: the mind, emotions, body and spirit. Based on scriptures, Matthew 6:33 and Mark 12:30, FP4H targets the whole individual.  When we look at all the ways God wants us to fully love Him—connect with Him and serve Him—we see how everything fits together. No matter how lopsided, or empty, things might appear, don’t despair. You will find help to address all areas of your life, bringing whole person wellness.


This women-only group meets online via Zoom on Tuesdays at 11:30 am.

New Session Begins: January 23 – March 19 (Reading Plan starts Jan. 16th).


Study:  A Better Way by Debbie Behling (the book is available on Amazon or at


Study Description:
Our world is filled with contradictions. We have amazing technology that can make our lives easier, yet we are more stressed and busier than previous generations.  Stress & anxiety can be overwhelming.  We live in a country with great wealth and resources, yet poverty and homelessness are constant. Outer beauty is valued much more than inner beauty.  And even though we know more about healthy living and have more resources to make healthy choices than ever before, overweight and obesity rates continue to rise.

There is A BETTER WAY.  Our Loving Heavenly Father has provided the Way.
Jesus came into the world over two thousand years ago.  He preached a radical message about a Kingdom that is upside-down from the world we know: lose to win, die to live, be weak to become strong, give away to gain, and walk by faith rather than sight.  As we seek to reach and maintain our fitness goals, we can embrace the changes we need to understand Jesus’ teachings about His Kingdom and the Holy Spirit’s power.

A BETTER WAY provides insights and tools to engage in the upside-down Kingdom of God while living here on earth.  God’s power and love are enough for us to win the challenges we face in staying healthy spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.  First Place for Health invites you to try the most complete Christ-centered healthy living program available.  First Place for Health will help you create balance in the four core areas of your life—spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.  The results?   Total health from the inside out!